El Kohl / The Kohl
Hoy os voy a enseñar un producto que uso a menudo, porque me encanta el efecto que hace en los ojos. Ya que da mucha profundidad a la mirada, embellece tanto el ojo como las pestañas y a veces, no necesitas usar nada más que este kohl y un rimmel para tener un look impactante. Hay que tener mucho cuidado al aplicarlo porque con que solo caiga un poquito de polvo en algún lugar de la cara enseguida se extiende y se pone todo negro, pero si tienes cuidado y lo pones poco a poco no tiene por qué haber ningún problema. Se aplica con el mismo tapón, que trae un palito insertado para que salga impregnado de producto por lo que si no quieres, no necesitas ningún pincel especial. Aunque si quieres probar algo diferente, tambien puedes usarlo para crear un ahumado o smoky; con muy poco producto y algo de pericia quedará precioso.
Además es un producto muy económico, a pesar de su tamaño, porque cunde muchísimo.
Además es un producto muy económico, a pesar de su tamaño, porque cunde muchísimo.
Este es el que yo uso, lo conocí gracias a una compañera de trabajo que me lo regaló hace años tras un viaje a Marruecos y desde entonces es un imprescindible en mi maletín de maquillaje.
Today I'll show you a product that I use often, because I love the effect it does in the eyes. It gives great depth to the look, embellish both the eye and eyelashes and sometimes, no need to use anything other than the kohl and mascara for a dramatic look. Be very careful when applying it because with only a little dust falls somewhere in the face and spreads quickly puts all black, but if you put it carefully and slowly need not be any problem. It is applied with the same buffer, which brings a stick inserted to leave impregnated product so if you do not, do not need any special brush. But if you want to try something different, you can also use it to create a smoky smoked, with very little product and some will be valuable expertise.
It is also an affordable product, despite its size, because it spreads so much.
This is the one I use, I met him through a co-worker who gave it to me years ago after a trip to Morocco and has since become an essential part of my makeup bag.
Today I'll show you a product that I use often, because I love the effect it does in the eyes. It gives great depth to the look, embellish both the eye and eyelashes and sometimes, no need to use anything other than the kohl and mascara for a dramatic look. Be very careful when applying it because with only a little dust falls somewhere in the face and spreads quickly puts all black, but if you put it carefully and slowly need not be any problem. It is applied with the same buffer, which brings a stick inserted to leave impregnated product so if you do not, do not need any special brush. But if you want to try something different, you can also use it to create a smoky smoked, with very little product and some will be valuable expertise.
It is also an affordable product, despite its size, because it spreads so much.
This is the one I use, I met him through a co-worker who gave it to me years ago after a trip to Morocco and has since become an essential part of my makeup bag.
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Almudena Persa | Maquilladora Profesional